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Dresser Duck Egg Roman Blind
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Dresser Duck Egg Roman Blind

A beautiful medley of Emma Bridgewater's iconic patterns and shapes captured here on a stunning array of mugs, plates and teapots. With so much to look at and designs to spot, this Dresser Duck Egg Roman Blind allows you to enjoy all of Emma Bridgewater's patterns in one, displayed in colourful shades of blue, red, pink, yellow and white with the tren…
A beautiful medley of Emma Bridgewater's iconic patterns and shapes captured here on a stunning array of mugs, plates and teapots. With so much to look at and designs to spot, this Dresser Duck Egg Roman Blind allows you to enjoy all of Emma Bridgewater's patterns in one, displayed in colourful shades of blue, red, pink, yellow and white with the trendy duck egg blue background. The perfect design for a kitchen or living room, we know this will be a hit in the home, plus the choice of linings makes it wonderfully versatile too.
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A beautiful medley of Emma Bridgewater's iconic patterns and shapes captured here on a stunning array of mugs, plates and teapots. With so much to look at and designs to spot, this Dresser Duck Egg Roman Blind allows you to enjoy all of Emma Bridgewater's patterns in one, displayed in colourful shades of blue, red, pink, yellow and white with the trendy duck egg blue background. The perfect design for a kitchen or living room, we know this will be a hit in the home, plus the choice of linings makes it wonderfully versatile too.