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Tomato 'Crimson Crush' (Grafted) | Vegetable Plants | Thompson & Morgan
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Tomato 'Crimson Crush' (Grafted) | Vegetable Plants | Thompson & Morgan

Tomato 'Crimson Crush' is a cordon F1 hybrid with built-in blight defences, making it the perfect choice for outdoor growing. With lar…
Tomato 'Crimson Crush' is a cordon F1 hybrid with built-in blight defences, making it the perfect choice for outdoor growing. With large fruits and an exceptional flavour, this tomato plant can also be grown in greenhouses. Companion planting with French marigolds, basil or mint will deter pests like whitefly and aphids.
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Tomato 'Crimson Crush' is a cordon F1 hybrid with built-in blight defences, making it the perfect choice for outdoor growing. With large fruits and an exceptional flavour, this tomato plant can also be grown in greenhouses. Companion planting with French marigolds, basil or mint will deter pests like whitefly and aphids.


TThompson & Morgan