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Sparen Sie 7 % auf 8x10 Vitavia Cassandra Black 8300 Dwarf Wall Greenhouse.
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8x10 Vitavia Cassandra Black 8300 Dwarf Wall Greenhouse

8x10 Vitavia Cassandra Black 8300 Dwarf Wall Greenhouse. The Vitavia Cassandra Black 8x10 Dwarf Wall Greenhouse can be built on to a multitude of different bricks and blocks to make your greenhouse the centre piece of your garden.. Black 8x10 Cassandra Greenhouses come with full cantalever bracing throughout to shrug of the UK climate.
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8x10 Vitavia Cassandra Black 8300 Dwarf Wall Greenhouse. The Vitavia Cassandra Black 8x10 Dwarf Wall Greenhouse can be built on to a multitude of different bricks and blocks to make your greenhouse the centre piece of your garden.. Black 8x10 Cassandra Greenhouses come with full cantalever bracing throughout to shrug of the UK climate.

