Let us get you up to speed on everything ... general election campaign is "boring". Ali asks our panel if they agree that it ...
Prominent Tories who had already announced they are not standing for re-election, prior to the July 4 poll being called, ...
Asked about the Tory argument that a vote for Reform UK is a vote for Sir Keir Starmer, Mr Tice says this is ... you in ...
Following Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s decision to call for a snap General Election yesterday afternoon, the country will now ...
Praful Nargund was selected as the Labour candidate for Islington North without a vote from party members ...
Rishi Sunak has hit back at Lord Goldsmith as he insisted that he will not leave for California if he loses the election. The Prime Minister’s remarks came after Zac Goldsmith, the Tory peer, ...
Former minister Rory Stewart says Conservative some MPs have been left bewildered by Sunak's decision to call a July election ...
The survey found voters north of the border are more likely than Britain overall to say it is time for a change in leadership ...