China-made electric vehicles will soon be subject to additional tariffs when they are brought into the European Union's ...
With a scorching summer predicted in Europe, and heatwaves already hitting Greece and Türkiye, you might be looking ahead to autumn to plan your next hiking adventure. Thanks to its milder weather, ...
The European Space Agency (ESA) is studying how to build a spoof-proof mega-constellation of satellites in space. Until recently, satellites sent radiocommunication signals from their positioning in ...
Danish authorities have halted the sale of three popular Korean noodle products, warning that they are so spicy they may land ...
Far-right leaders are expected to broach the possible re-configuration of the right wing in the European Parliament.
The Greens will not back Ursula von der Leyen in her bid for a second term as European Commission president unless they are included in a broad, centrist coalition with her conservative European ...
Armenia's prime minister declared his intention on Wednesday to pull out of a Russian-led security alliance of six ex-Soviet ...
A study showed a 100 per cent positive response rate in 42 patients with a specific type of rectal cancer who were treated ...
The disgraced "pharma bro" has been accused of retaining digital copies and sharing recordings of the rarest album on earth - ...
Limburg an der Lahn, in the western German state of Hesse, has just voted to exterminate its 700-strong pigeon population. A ...
The European Commission's anti-subsidy inquiry into Chinese electric vehicles has been described as one of the most ...
Macron addressed French voters for the first time since he called for a snap national election following the far right's ...