US Secretary of State criticizes Hamas for taking nearly 2 weeks to respond to ceasefire proposal, upping demands after ...
A Palestinian Arab suspect approached the security fence near one of the communities in the Gaza envelope on Tuesday and was ...
US Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield urges Hamas to accept ceasefire and hostage release deal proposal which was ...
Special IDF forces operate in Kafr Dan, a Palestinian Arab village located northwest of Jenin. Four terrorists eliminated, ...
Magen David Adom teams transferred a critically injured 8-year-old to the Barzilai Hospital, while continuously performing ...
The wreckage of a plane carrying Malawi Vice President Saulos Chilima has been located - and there were no survivors, Malawi ...
Seven weeks shall you count…then you will celebrate the Festival of Shavuot to Hashem your G-d…and you will rejoice before ...
Israel has asked the United States to help in efforts to deter Hezbollah. Following difficulties in achieving a political ...
In honor of Shavuot, this week’s Devar Torah focuses on the following custom: Rama writes in Chapter 494 of Shulchan Aruch ...
The European right-wing is projected to have made substantial gains in the European Parliament at the expense of the ...
Dr. Shmuel Katz, a leading activist in the US for Israel advocacy, and one of the founders of Stand With Us spoke to Arutz ...
On Sunday, NCSY Israel, the youth movement of English-speaking olim in Israel, part of OU Israel, the leading organization in ...