Whoever the next government may be, they will oversee a critical chapter on the UK’s journey to net zero and the battle ...
The leader of Plaid Cymru has said his party is not for people who are “giving up on politics”, as the Welsh nationalist ...
PoliticsHome has got hold of documents revealing how Labour will target voters on the doorstep throughout the campaign – and ...
Labour's parliamentary candidate for Camberwell and Peckham, Miatta Fahnbulleh, has said voters in the area's Black community ...
Exclusive: Labour is considering a manifesto pledge to roll out Housing First nationwide in its manifesto in a bid to tackle ...
Exhausted Conservatives have struggled to rally volunteers to drum up support on the doorstep, particularly among young ...
Keir Starmer has declared that no decision has been made to bar Diane Abbott from being a Labour candidate at the 4 July ...
The Chemical Industries Association launched its manifesto in parliament emphasising the role of the UK chemical industry as ...
In spite of a surfeit of statistics, Liam Fox has written a fascinating study of a substance more valuable to humans than all ...
The Conservatives could see bigger swings against their party in the general election in seats where the incumbent is ...
From the Baltic to the Mediterranean, GPS jamming is a growing problem for both the military and airlines – but is it a real ...
Parliament is wrapping up its final business ahead of the general election, following Rishi Sunak’s announcement on Wednesday ...