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Aspidistra Elatior | Flower Plants | Dobies
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Aspidistra Elatior | Flower Plants | Dobies

This is a robust and resilient plant – hence the name Cast Iron plant! The glossy green leaves grow upright providing an elegant display, perfect for a hallway or centrepiece. Place in a warm room with a temperature between 15C (60F) to 24C (75F). if temperatures drop the Aspidistras can survive in a temperature down to 8C (45F). Keep away from dir…
This is a robust and resilient plant – hence the name Cast Iron plant! The glossy green leaves grow upright providing an elegant display, perfect for a hallway or centrepiece. Place in a warm room with a temperature between 15C (60F) to 24C (75F). if temperatures drop the Aspidistras can survive in a temperature down to 8C (45F). Keep away from direct sunlight but a in a well-lit spot. Water regularly to ensure moist soil but do not leave the plant in standing water as this can cause rotting. In winter reduce watering but do not let compost dry out completely. It can be fed during its active growing months between March and April.
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This is a robust and resilient plant – hence the name Cast Iron plant! The glossy green leaves grow upright providing an elegant display, perfect for a hallway or centrepiece. Place in a warm room with a temperature between 15C (60F) to 24C (75F). if temperatures drop the Aspidistras can survive in a temperature down to 8C (45F). Keep away from direct sunlight but a in a well-lit spot. Water regularly to ensure moist soil but do not leave the plant in standing water as this can cause rotting. In winter reduce watering but do not let compost dry out completely. It can be fed during its active growing months between March and April.
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